About JCW
JCW(元DJCW)は、2018年にYuko KitamuraとHoshi Brooksの2名の日本人女性によって設立された、501 (c) (3) NPO法人です。テキサス州ダラスを拠点として、世界で働く日本人女性へ相互交流の場を提供しエンパワメントに寄与することで、全ての女性が自分らしく輝ける環境を築くことを目標としています。
Let all Japanese working women shine in the world ~ Network, Inspire, and Empower ~
JCW (Japanese Career Women), formerly known as DJCW (Dallas Japanese Career Women), is 501 (c) (3) registered non-profit organization which was founded by two inspiring Japan working women: Yuko Kitamura & Hoshi Brooks in 2018. JCW is based in Dallas, Texas and always looks for opportunities to make every Japanese working woman grow and shine by providing encouraging, caring, and inspiring experiences in the world .
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Meet the team
JCW Committee members
2001年にルイジアナ州での留学を修了し、現在はテキサス州ダラスの日系企業で勤務。その傍らで「ダラスで働く日本人女性を応援しネットワークを広げる会がほしい」と思い立ち、2018年にブルックス星子とJCWを設立。働く女性達をサポートすべく日々精力的に活動している。趣味はヨガ、エレクトーン、夫と二人での旅行など。好きなフレーズは "Ladies, be ambitious!"
Yuko spent time in Louisiana to finish her master’s degree and moved to Dallas TX in 2001. Since then she has been in Dallas and working for a Japanese company. In 2018, Yuko co-founded JCW with Hoshiko Brooks with a strong passion and an insatiable desire to support Japanese women working in the DFW area. She likes yoga, Electone (the electric keyboard), traveling with her husband. Her favorite phrase is “Ladies, be ambitious!”
Hoshi (Hoshiko) graduated from a university in North West part of the US. While she works at US company, she co-founded JCW in 2018 with Yuko Kitamura. She is responsible for setting up the direction of the organization, planning events and co-writes monthly article to local Japanese newspaper. She lived in Dallas, Texas from 2003 to March, 2022 and moved to Denver, Colorado due to her work relocation. She met Japanese women there and co-founded a Japanese working women association. When you do not see her at work or DJCW, she enjoys running outside, playing piano and spending time with her family; a school-age daughter, husband and a dog.
Miki Shibuya
Treasurer and Accountant
Miki’s hometown is Yokohama. She grew up in a multinational environment and moved to the US in 1998. After graduating from a university in California, she obtained her CPA license and gained tax expertise from one of the big 4 accounting firms and private industry, etc. In 2016, she relocated to Dallas. She is currently responsible for international tax in a multinational Japanese company. She started volunteering for JCW from July 2023. She is now fulfilling accounting and tax related matters as Treasurer of JCW from April 2024. Her hobbies include tea ceremony, flower arrangement, yoga, manga, etc.
Anita lives in a suburb of Dallas, Texas since 1997. She earned her Master's degree at a university in East coast and has lived in 7 different states from East to West coasts including Mid-West. She is working for a Japanese company and is holding a Director of Public Relations role at JCW since May,2020. She likes to travel, listen to classical music, enjoys wine and Sake tasting, and practices Japanese tea ceremony. Anita and her husband have a daughter, a college student son, and a dog. Her words of wisdom is “Walk the walk instead of talking the talk.”
Yasuyo Shigemoto
Data/Marketing Analyst and Secretary
東京都出身。テキサス州フォートワースに2020年より在住。 サウスウェスタンバプテスト神学校にて神学及びビブリカルカウンセリングを学ぶ。2023年7月よりJCWの Data & Marketing analyst としてボランティア参加。2024年7月よりSecretaryを兼任。好きなことはクラシックピアノを弾くこと、ダンス、息子と思い切り遊ぶこと。夫と小学生の息子の家族3人でアメリカ生活を邁進中。
Yasuyo was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan. She has been living in Fort Worth, Texas since 2020 and studied Theology and Biblical Counseling at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She joined JCW as a volunteer Data & Marketing Analyst in July 2023. In addition, she accepted a position as Secretary in July 2024. Her favorite things to do are playing classical piano, dancing, and trying her best to keep up with playing with her son. She is currently thriving in Texas life with her husband and an elementary school-aged son.
Misa was born in Los Angeles and grew up in Saitama. She graduated from Tsuda University. After experienced as B2B sales in IT and HR fields, became a self- employed worker in 2016. Certified Small and Medium Enterprise Consultant (2017). Currently her main work is M&A advisory focusing on deals in Japan, and between Japan and the US (especially Hawaii and Texas). She moved to North Dallas in December 2023. She is good at writing. She likes wines and workout (training and jogging with Netflix).
Eriko arrived in the U.S. as a student in New York and spent a decade working in Manhattan. In 2020, she made the best decision of her adult life by relocating to Denver. Now, she shares her home with her husband, three daughters, and a dog. As a licensed real estate agent in Colorado, her outgoing and creative personality shines through as she assists both new and returning clients. In her free time, Eriko loves playing music in a band, cooking, hiking, and creating YouTube videos that showcase the exciting activities Colorado has to offer.
千葉県在住。2024年に早稲田大学国際教養学部を卒業し、2021年夏から2022年春までテキサス大学ダラス校に交換留学を経験。留学後から初の学生ボランティアスタッフとして、主に広報を担当。また、JCWの学生団体Unlimitedの設立にも携わり、初期メンバーとしても活動。趣味は旅行で、夢は世界中の ビーチを巡ること。
Hinano lives in Chiba, Japan. She graduated from Waseda University in 2024. She studied at the University of Texas at Dallas as an exchange student from 2021 to 2022. She supports public relations activities as the first student volunteer staff and engaged in establishing the student organization Unlimited, a branch of JCW. She enjoys traveling and loves to go to the beach all over the world.
Minami is a junior majoring in Information Technology Systems at the University of Texas at Dallas. After graduating from high school, she went to a university in Utah and transferred to UTD in August 2022. She supports website maintenance as a JCW volunteer staff and engages in establishing the student organization PAW(sa), a branch of JCW. She enjoys cooking, listening to podcasts, and training to run the NYC marathon with her family.
ワシントン州で生まれ育つ。グランドキャニオン大学英文科(Professional Writing)卒業。ダラスへの引っ越しを機に2024年1月にJCWのボランティアスタッフへ。ボランティアをしていないときは読書やJドラマを見るのが趣味。和食と和菓子愛好家。
Eliana was born and raised in Washington State. She graduated from Grand Canyon University with a degree in English. Upon moving to Dallas, Texas, she discovered the JCW and joined the JCW volunteer staff in January 2024. Outside of studying and volunteering, she enjoys reading and watching Japanese dramas. She enjoys eating Japanese food and sweets.