DJCW - 2023年夏のインターンプログラム終了 (2023 Summer Internship Program Completed)

今年で3回目となるDJCWのインターンプログラムがダラス時間7月27日に無事終了しました!インタープログラムでは3~4 人で1つのチームとなり、リーダー・サブリーダー主導で 3 つのプロジェクトに関してリサーチや企画立案などを対応頂きました。チーム1は賞やアワード、活動基金のリサーチ、チーム2は津田塾大学や東京についての紹介動画作成と、イベント時にPAW(SA)への発表、チーム3はPAW(SA)とのお話会イベント共同企画に取り組みました。
The third DJCW's internship program concluded successfully on July 27th (CDT)! During the internship program, participants formed teams of 3 to 4 members, led by a leader and a sub-leader in each team, and worked on three projects. Team 1 focused on researching awards and fundraising activities. Team 2 created introduction videos about Tsuda University and Tokyo, and also presented to PAW(SA) during the collaboration event held on July 21 (CDT). Team 3 collaborated with PAW(SA) to prepare for the joint event.
On the final day of the internship program, each team had maximum of18 minutes to present their project outcomes using slides, and all team members participated in the presentations. There were many innovative ideas from the young generation, and the DJCW staff found these fresh perspectives quite intriguing.
Although the internship was one month program, the actual time available for working on the projects was only a few weeks. However, all the team members effectively communicated within their teams and efficiently tackled the tasks.
Upon the completion of the internship program, the DJCW staff always realize that both the interns and the DJCW staff benefit from a two-way learning experience. We hope we can continue the internship program going forward.
Congratulations to all the interns for their hard work! The DJCW extends its sincere gratitude to the Off-Campus Learning Center at Tsuda University for their valuable support in this program.