October Event "US-Japan Women Student Summit" was held!

後半ではUnconscious Biasについての動画を視聴してから、グループに分かれてディスカッションをしました。
The US-Japan Women Student Summit was held on Saturday, 10/8 (CDT). This is our first attempt to invite students from Dallas and Tokyo. Since the event was conducted in English, we were a bit worried about communication among students. However, the students from Japan had great English communication skills and actively joined the discussion.
In the first part, our guest speaker, Ms. Kyoko Roberts gave a presentation on her career followed by a panel discussion. The topics varied from facing difficulties working in the US as a Japanese woman to a work-life balance.
In the second part, we watched videos on Unconscious Bias and discussed about the topic in the smaller groups.
One of the participants from Dallas commented that she was hesitant to join the event on Saturday night, but was glad she did. Her feedback was truly rewarding for us!
The event was also supported by members from Unlimited, DJCW's student branch established in July.
Thank you, Kyoko for sharing your experience with us!