働く日本人女性の会 in Denver・ネットワーキングディナーを開催しました!
Japanese Working Women in Denver - Networking Dinner was held!

Our very first Japanese working women's networking dinner was held in Denver, Colorado on October 29th!
Early this year, one of our staff members moved to Denver and has been seeking for opportunities to establish Japanese working women's network there. We were able to have the event thanks to a Japanese working woman, who is a realtor in Denver as well as Sushi Den, a Japanese restaurant in Denver. The event was successful with more than 20 participants. During the event, we received requests and expectations from the participants. We learned that they are looking for opportunities to connect with people as they normally work online, to exchange information on parenting, to share experiences on starting a business in the US, and so on.
We look forward to meeting with many Japanese working women in Denver throughout events. We are hoping to expand our network to many other places in the US. Please cheer for our activities going forward!