参加者の声 - 「世界で働く女性とつながろうシリーズ第5弾・バングラデシュ編」
Voice from a Participant - "Connect with Japanese Career Women in the Globe, the 5the event, Bangladesh"

Consumption is a vote: Let us cast our vote wisely
Yoshiko Nue
Contents Writer and Translater
She considers herself as "Tokyo-Texan" as she lives in the US, Texas, and DFW for 26 years.
She studied Film at University of North Texas. Kimbell Art Museum is her favorite place.
I attended DJCW’s event, “Connect with Japanese career women working in the globe, the 5th event, Bangladesh” on October 1st. The guest speaker was Ms. Eiko Haraguchi, President of Business Leather Factory. While her talk was full of inspirational moments, her words “consumption is a vote” struck a chord with me.
What “Consumption is a vote” means is that consumers can show their support for companies through their purchases. In the past, it wasn’t easy to do this due to the lack of awareness in society as a whole and the lack of transparency regarding companies’ practices. However, nowadays many companies are committed to initiatives such as sustainability and are promoting their practices. As a result, it’s becoming much easier for consumers to “vote” through their purchases.
For example, we consider price, brand, style, material, etc. when we’re buying clothes. Other elements can be considered in addition such as a manufacturer’s commitment to and achievement in SDGs, its involvement in and contribution to the community, or its engagement in circular fashion. I happened to notice recently that Patagonia has a used gear section on its official website. Buying a used item is also an option.
Also, there is an option to choose a product from a company like Business Leather Factory that is deeply committed to the well-being of its workers. The company’s commitment and team spirit were evident in Ms. Haraguchi’s talk as she consistently referred to her employees as her “peers.”
As we demand deeper commitments to SDGs from corporations, we must keep casting our votes by choosing wisely among ever-increasing options. What each of us can do may be insubstantial at first, but I believe that the impact will be increased exponentially if we all do our part.