DJCW Coaching Workshop

ダラス時間の2023年9月9日(土)に株式会社コーチ・エイよりエグゼクティブコーチとしてご活躍されているAngie Tongさんを講師としてお招きして、オンラインイベント「コーチング・ワークショップ~双方向なコミュニケーションとは?エグゼクティブコーチと学んでみよう」を開催しました。


Angieさん、そしてこのワークショップをサポートして下さったGeraldine Hoさん、ありがとうございました!
On Saturday, September 16, 2023 (CDT), we conducted an online event titled "Coaching Workshop: Understanding Interactive Communication - Learn from an Executive Coach", inviting Ms. Angie Tong, who is serving as a Principal and Executive Coach at COACH A Co. Ltd.
Even when we think we are consciously engaging in interactive communication, it's common for one to end up speaking more than the other, affecting the balance of the conversation. This can result in an overload of information for the listener, becoming burdensome.
In the workshop, participants were paired up, taking turns being the speaker and the listener on a given topic. The listener's role was not only to listen attentively but also to ask various questions to make it easier for the speaker to express themselves. This dynamic created a natural back-and-forth in the conversation. This exercise was conducted twice during the workshop, with participants being paired with different individuals for the second round.
After the workshop, the participants had smiles on their faces, and we could feel the power of interactive communication!
We extend our gratitude to Ms. Angie Tong and Ms. Geraldine Ho for supporting this workshop!
For those who want to learn more about coaching, Coach A Corporation offers informational sessions about their coaching learning programs. If you are interested, please visit the link above.