Kendra ScottでDJCW5周年記念パーティーを開催しました!
We held the 5th Anniversary Party at Kendra Scott!

ダラス時間の2023年3月18日(土)にDJCW5周年記念パーティーをプレーノのShops at Legacyにある、テキサス発祥のジュエリーブランド、Kendra Scottにて開催しました。Kendra Scottを会場に選んだのは、テキサス出身の女性が起業した会社ということで、5周年記念にはぜひここで記念パーティーを開催したいというDJCW代表の思い入れがありました。


We held the DJCW's 5th Anniversary Party at Kendra Scott at Shops at Legacy in Plano, TX. The reason why Kendra Scott was chosen as the venue is because DJCW representative had a special attachment to the fact that it is a company founded by a woman from Texas. For the 5th anniversary celebration, she wanted to hold a commemorative party here. It had been a long time since all of the DJCW staff gathered, and we had a wonderful time.
At 2:00 PM when the venue opened, one person came and then one after another, including familiar faces and first-timers, arrived and the shop was filled with excitement!
When we speak to people face-to-face, it is a great source of motivation for us, and it also serves as a guide for which direction we should take our activities in the future. It was a quick two hours, but we have reaffirmed our commitment to our mission of "Let all Japanese working women shine from Dallas to the globe - Network, Inspire, and Empower" and will continue our activities in that direction.
We are planning to host more face-to-face events in the future, and we look forward to seeing you all again.