DJCW代表の北村祐子が、地元の大学(UTD)の授業に登壇しました! (Sep 24, 2021)
DJCW President, Yuko Kitamura lectured at University of Texas at Dallas!

9月24日、代表の北村祐子が、地元の大学、University of Texas at DallasでOperational Research の授業に登壇しました。本業の半導体サプライチェーンに関する講義のほか、Women in Supply Chainのテーマで、DJCWの活動を紹介しました。
AWESOME Gartner 2019 Women in Supply Chain Researchによると、今のサプライチェーン業界ではジェンダーバランスが整っているとは言えないのが現実です。アメリカでは、女性は学士号の57%、修士号の59%、そして専門職の52%を占めているにも関わらず、サプライチェーンの労働力の37%しか占めていません。このアンバランスな比率は、キャリアが上がるほど悪化しています。サプライチェーン業界のSenior VP、Executive VP、C-Suiteのうち、女性の割合はわずか14%です。

AWESOME/Gartner 2019 Women in Supply Chain Research
AWESOME Gartner research, 2021 women in supply chain research AWE060421_2021GartnerReport.pdf (
Women in Supply Chain Initiative Home - Women in Supply Chain Initiative (

On September 24th, 2021, Yuko Kitamura, the President of DJCW, made a presentation about supply chain operations in Operational Research class (OPRE6371) at the University of Texas at Dallas. She introduced DJCW's activities with the theme of Women in Supply Chain, along with her main day job in the semiconductor industry.
According to the AWESOME Gartner 2019 Women in Supply Chain Research, even though women earn 57% of all Bachelors degrees and 59% of all Masters degrees, and hold 52% of all professional jobs in the US, they only represent 37% of the supply chain workforce. This gender imbalance grows worse the higher up the career ladder one rises in the supply chain. Women constitute a mere 14% of senior vice president (SVP), executive vice president (EVP) and C-Suite jobs in supply chain.
However, it's not all gloomy news. The number of companies that are trying to increase the number of female leaders has been gradually increasing over the past four years!
DJCW will continue to support university students with the mission of "Network, Inspire, Empower".
May this society be a place where each and every one of us can shine and work with our authenticity and happiness.