(その後希望者で懇親会ランチあり)場所:La Quinta The Colony住所:3750 Market St, The Colony, TX 75056費用:$20(税・サービス代込)** This event will be held in Japanese**
申込リンク:DJCWイベント申込フォーム: プチ不調もスッキリ!NFLプロダンサー直伝・簡単エクササイズ (google.com)Are you ready to have some fun exercise with the NFL Dallas Cowboys Rhythm & Blue Professional dancer, Luna Tsutsue?Even if you are a beginner, no worries!This event includes not only exercise but also a panel discussion by Luna.This is a great opportunity to learn all about ‘behind the scenes’ of NFL dancers’ world and hear secrets on how to shine like her every day!