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JCW Article - 東京学生支部Unlimitedが「コミュニティアクションチャレンジ CAC 100アワード」のファイナリストとして選出されました

JCW's Tokyo student chapter, Unlimited, was selected as a finalist for the Community Action Challenge CAC 100 Award

JCWの東京学生支部Unlimitedが、日本ガールスカウト連盟が主催する「コミュニティアクションチャレンジ CAC 100アワード」のファイナリストとして選出されました!



JCW's Tokyo student chapter, Unlimited, was selected as a finalist for the Community Action Challenge CAC 100 Award sponsored by the Girl Scouts of Japan!

Unlimited members gave a presentation introducing their activities with the theme of empowering Japanese female students who are interested in studying abroad or working abroad. Judges praised their presentation and activities. Great job!

We look forward to their ongoing passionate work and achievement.


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