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JCW Event Report - ダラス日本人会「秋祭り」に出展(Oct 13, 2024)

Participated in "Japanese Fall Festival" hosted by Dallas Japanese Association (Oct 13, 2024)



今年はダラス近郊3大学(UTD・UNT・Texas A&M)や地元の高校生等の学生ボランティアさんが多数参加。和気あいあいととても楽しく活動できました。



ブースでは当会の活動に加え、JCWのダラス学生支部PAW(SA)、そして東京学生支部 Unlimitedの紹介など、多岐にわたる活動をお披露目することができました。


On Sunday, October 13 (U.S. time), we set up a booth at the Japanese Fall Festival hosted by the Dallas Japanese Association!

This year, many student volunteers from three universities near Dallas (UTD, UNT, and Texas A&M), as well as local high school students, participated. We were able to enjoy the event in a friendly and lively atmosphere.

Thank you very much!

At the booth, in addition to introducing our organization's activities, we were able to showcase a wide range of activities such as the Dallas Student Chapter of JCW, PAW(SA), and

the Tokyo Student Chapter Unlimited.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth.


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