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JCW Event Report - JCWインターン生によるお話会(July 19, 2024)

JCWインターン生によるお話会|Discussion Session by JCW Interns (July 19, 2024)


本イベントには、津田塾大学インターン生、ダラス学生支部PAW(SA)、東京学生支部Unlimited、そしてJCWが出席。Women's Career & Unconscious Biasというビッグテーマと共に、ゲームや教材動画鑑賞、小グループでのディスカッションなど、多岐にわたる活動を実施しました。



On July 18th, Tsuda University intern organized a virtual collaboration event in English with participation of interns, PAW(SA), Unlimited, and JCW staff.

With the big theme of “Women's Career & Unconscious Bias,” the event featured a wide variety of activities including games, educational videos, and small group discussions.

Participants actively discussed about the issues and challenges as women.

It was a very productive one-hour session. Special thanks to all who planned and facilitated the event as well as everyone who supported this event.


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