RICCI EVERYDAY COO, 仲本千津さん (Ms. Chizu Nakamoto)
(English will follow)
テキサス州ダラスに拠点を置くNPO法人DJCW (Dallas Japanese Career Women)では、7月26日から8月27日の1か月間、津田塾大学から13名のインターン生を受け入れ、3つのチームに分かれてプロジェクトを実施しました。
Team 1では「広報・国際協力ソーシャルビジネス」というテーマを元に、4人のメンバー(イ ジミン・吉川真由・小河明日香・那須愛華、敬称略・順不同)が活動。業務の一環として、DJCW主催のイベント、「世界で働く日本人女性とつながろうシリーズ第4弾・ウガンダ編」(ダラス時間8月27日実施)でご登壇頂いた、RICCI EVERYDAY創業者の仲本千津さんにインタビューを実施しました。

RICCI EVERYDAY COO 仲本千津さんとのオンラインインタビューの様子
(上段左から:那須愛華さん、吉川真由さん、中段左から:イ ジミンさん、小河明日香さん、下段中央:RICCI EVERYDAY 仲本千津さん)
Online Interview with Ms. Chizu Nakamoto
(Top left: Aika Nasu, Mayu Kikkawa, Middle left: Jimin Lee, Asuka Ogawa, Bottom: Ms. Chizu Nakamoto)
こんにちは。私達はDJCWの学生インターンとして、カラフルなアフリカンプリントを使用したバッグやインテリアアイテム、アパレルを企画・製造・販売するRICCI EVERYDAYの創業者、仲本千津さんとのインタビューに臨みました。本来であればRICCI EVERYDAYの代官山の店舗にお伺いして、仲本さんにお話を聞くはずでしたが、コロナ禍の状況悪化につき、あいにくオンラインでの開催になりました。私達は事前にRICCI EVERYDAYや仲本さんについてリサーチを行い、各々の興味に沿う形で順番に質問をさせて頂きました。
Q: ウガンダはどのような国なのでしょうか?
A: ウガンダは日本の軽井沢のような過ごしやすい気候です。緑が豊かで食べ物がおいしいこと、また、国民性も日本人と似ているように感じています。よりオープンマインドかもしれません。治安がそこまで悪くないというのもよい点です。アフリカというと大陸全体で語られがちですが、それぞれ全然違う特徴があります。
ウガンダの正式国名はウガンダ共和国 (Republic of Uganda)です。東アフリカに位置する共和制国家で、イギリス連邦加盟国です。東にケニア、南にルワンダ・タンザニア、西にコンゴ民主共和国、北に南スーダンとの国境に囲まれた内陸国で首都はカンパラです。公用語は二つあり、第一言語は英語、第二言語はスワヒリ語となります。(仲本さんは現地の方と英語でコミュニケーションをとっているそうです)1962年10月9日に英連邦王国の一員として独立しました。
A: 昨年3月末ぐらいから厳しい状況になりました。最近は状況が改善してきたものの今年5月末から一気にデルタ感染者が増えました。ウガンダ以外のアフリカ諸国にもデルタ変異株が広がっています。そのような状況の中、ウガンダにいたのですが、外出を控え、ほとんどの時間を家で過ごしていましたが、最近は、家の中で出来ることが増えて良かったと感じます。ウガンダはコロナ禍で、バイクタクシーや飲食店の仕事など、日銭稼ぎ(日給)で生活している人たちが仕事ができず失業者が増えました。経済への影響も大きいことと懸念されます。
私たちはウガンダについては他のアフリカの国との違いなど何も知らなかったので、仲本さんとのインタビューを通じてたくさんのことを知ることができました。日本では、遠く離れたアフリカを一つの大陸として捉えてしまいがちですが、RICCI EVERYDAYの作る商品を通じて少しずつウガンダという国が知られるようになってきているそうです。
Q:RICCI EVERYDAYの商品価格を見ると私たち学生にとっては少々手が届きにくいように感じますがこの点についてはどうお考えでしょうか?
A:商品の中にはエコバック、小物等数千円で購入できるものもあるので、学生の皆さんにも手の届く価格なのではと思います。こういったアイテムからRICCI EVERYDAYの製品の良さを知ってもらえたらと思います。
A:従業員は一人ひとりなんらかの異なる問題を抱えています。実際に出会ったウガンダ人女性の中には、別れた夫が子供の学費の支払いを行わなかったことに腹を立ててしまい、なかなか作業が捗らなかったという事がありました。モノ作りには、作る人の精神状態が重要で、作り手の精神状態が安定していないと、作業が雑になってしまい、縫い目がずれたり、品質に影響が出ることもあります。こういった彼女たちの悩みは金銭問題が多いため、RICCI EVERYDAYでは、固定で給与を払うことに加えて、従業員が無利子でお金を借りられる仕組みを作るなど、金銭面での従業員サポートも行っています。また、医療費や将来の不安も解消していけるような支援を心がけています。
Q: 日本から遠く離れたウガンダで仲本さんはどのようなマインドを持って過ごしているのでしょうか?
A: 生活インフラも日本とは全く違い停電や断水などもよく起きますが、郷に入っては郷に従えというようにウガンダにおいての住環境・労働環境を理解し、日本を基準に考えることをやめるようにしています。
RICCI EVERYDAYではカラフルなアフリカンプリントの商品が販売されています。ぜひ一度ホームページや東京の代官山にある店舗に足を運んでみてください!
代官山店舗:東京都渋谷区猿楽町24-1 ROOB2 2階C (東急東横線 代官山駅 中央改札より徒歩4分)
Dallas Japanese Career Women (DJCW), an NPO organization in Dallas, Texas, worked with 13 interns from Tsuda University (Tokyo, Japan) for a Summer internship program from July 26 to August 27 for one month. We divided the interns in three project teams.
Team 1 worked on a project with the theme “Public Relations, International Collaboration, and Social Business” with four team members (Jimin Lee, Mayu Kikkawa, Asuka Ogawa, and Aika Nasu). As a part of the project, they interviewed Ms. Chizu Nakamoto, a founder of RICCI EVERYDAY. She was also a guest speaker at DJCW’s event, “Connect with Japanese career women in the globe, the 4th event, Uganda” (held on August 27th, Dallas).
Messages from Interns:
Hello. We are the students who participated in the DJCW internship. As part of our tasks, we interviewed Ms. Chizu Nakamoto. She is a founder of RICCI EVERYDAY, a manufacturer for bags, interior items, and apparel using colorful African print fabrics. We were supposed to interview her at her store in Daikanyama, Tokyo. However, we held an online interview instead due to the deterioration of the COVID-19 situation. Prior to the interview, we did some research about RICCI EVERYDAY and Ms. Nakamoto, and prepared questions in advance. On the day of the interview, we took turns asking these questions that we prepared.
About Uganda
Q: Could you tell us about Uganda?
A: The climate is like Karuizawa, Japan and is pleasant. It is surrounded with a lot of greenery and the food is delicious. I feel people’s characters are somewhat similar to that of Japanese people, but they are a bit more open minded. Overall, the country is safer than we think. We tend to see Africa as a whole continent rather than as separate countries, but it has its own characteristics.
Uganda’s official name is the Republic of Uganda. It is a nation located in the northern part of Africa. The capital of Uganda is Kampala, and the country is landlocked and bordered by Kenya to the east, Tanzania to the south, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west, and South Sudan to the north. There are two official languages. The first language is English, and the second language is Swahili. On October 9th, 1962, it became independent from the United Kingdom, but remained a commonwealth member..
Q: Could you tell us about the COVID-19 situation in Uganda?
A: It had been a serious situation since the end of March last year. Recently, the situation improved but the number of patients who is infected with the Delta variant has been increasing rapidly from the end of May. The Delta variant is also spreading among African countries other than Uganda. I stayed in Uganda during the pandemic. I spent most of my time at home. However, I was glad that I was able to entertain myself without leaving home. During the pandemic, people who earn money on daily basis lost their jobs, such as bike taxi drivers and restaurants workers. I am concerned about the impact on the economy of Uganda.
<Comments from Interns>
We did not know anything about Uganda and its differences from other African countries. We learned a lot from the interview with Ms. Nakamoto. In Japan, we tend to see Africa as a continent which is located somewhere far away from our home. However, people are getting to know about Uganda little by little through the products from RICCI EVERYDAY.
About Business at RICCI EVERYDAY
Q: What is important in your daily business?
A: I think it is important to directly connect with customers. The pandemic made it difficult to do so, and we started focusing on online communication with our customers. To be specific, our goal is to minimize the distance with customers through our online store. We are trying to communicate with Instagram Lives. I believe Instagram Lives connect us with our customers better than posting recordings from Zoom.
Q: Please tell me about how you would like to develop your business.
A: We would like our online customers feel like if they are visiting our store and are considering launching a virtual store in addition to our current online store. Furthermore, there is a need to include Japanese households who are facing poverty identified during the pandemic, and we started producing masks with African print fabrics.
Q: We feel pricing for the products sold at RICCI EVERYDAY seems a little expensive for college students. Could you tell us what you think about this?
A: There are also products which are under a couple thousand yen ($20~30), such as eco-friendly bags. Even if you are a student, the price range is something that you can afford.
I hope wider range of customers can try our products.
<Comments from Interns>
We found nice book covers in the online store. We would like to recommend their products to our friends and families, like our mothers and grandmothers!
Q: How do you interact with your employees in Uganda?
A: Each employee has different problems. I would like to talk about one of the ladies I met in Uganda. She was angry with her ex-husband because he did not pay their children’s tuition. Because of that, she could not focus on her work. Manufacturers’ mental status is very important as it affects the quality of their products. For example, stitches will not be well aligned. Most of their concerns are related to money. In order to support the employees, RICCI EVERYDAY created a system that employees can borrow money without any interest in addition to paying fixed salaries. We also try to support them with their medical costs, so that they do not have to worry about their future.
<Comments from Interns>
During the interview, we were impressed by Ms. Nakamoto’s speedy action. As she as soon as she moved to Uganda, she was thinking of starting her business. We felt that thinking about wellness about employees will lead to quality of the products, which is what social business is trying to resolve social issues.
About Ms. Nakamoto’s Career and Vision
Q: How do you keep up with your state of mind in Uganda especially when you are far away from your home?
A: I often experience power and water outages as infrastructure is not stable as in Japan. I stopped thinking about Japan, because I felt that in Rome, I had to do as the Romans do. I focused on my work and life in Uganda.
<Comments from Interns>
We now understood why she chose Uganda to start her business as well as her nice personality and way of thinking. When she was a student, she studied about poverty and traveled around Africa as an employee of a NGO (Non-governmental Organization) on business trips. While she was working there, she realized that she wanted to start a business in Uganda, a county she felt she could enjoy as she learned more about it. She was impressed by the passion of a representative of the organization where she was working as an intern. When she observed how he used his business skills to involve private sectors to resolve social issues, she felt that she needed to lean more about business works in a society.
About Product Planning
Q: How do you plan and design your products?
A: Basically, my criteria for the product design is whether I want to use them. Especially when I was creating a design for Akello Bag 4WAY, I did not see any clutch bags in a size that I would like to use. I thought I would use a bag if it held many items with vivid African print.
<After the Interview, from Interns>
We were able to broaden our eyes on society. Social business, or carrying out business why resolving social issues, is a new concept to us. We feel this is an ideal form of business, however, we also understood there are various issues while interviewing Ms. Nakamoto. She rediscovered her identity as an individual which we tend to ignore in the Japanese society. You will find a lot of colorful African prints products at RICCI EVERYDAY. Please visit their homepage as well as the store located in Daikanyama, Tokyo.
The Store Information:
〒150-0033 24-1, Sarugakucho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo ROOB2 second floor C
(from Tokyu Toyoko Line Daikan-yama Station center wicket a 4-minute walk)
Phone: 03-6455-2446
Business hours:11:00 to 17:00 (Closed Thursdays and Fridays)