皆さん、こんにちは!Yukoです。夏休みも終わり、そろそろお子さまが登校開始した!という方も多いですよね。私の夏の思い出は、9月に出産を控えているので夫婦揃っての最後の連休を利用してNYへ美味しいもの巡りに行ってきました。焼き鳥にイタリアンと、お目当てのお店の行くことができて大満足しました!仕事では後悔のないように変わらず走り続けていますが、変わっていく身体に 思うように体力がコントロールできず疲れすぎて半泣きになることも(笑)
Hello Everyone! Finally the summer vacation is over and school has started. Currently, I am pregnant and my due date is September. I traveled to New York with my husband for a long weekend to enjoy great food before we become busy. We enjoyed eating Yakitori and Italian food! I am still working, but I feel like crying when I get very tired as I have less control over my body (lol).
Luckily, I am still able to work as an instructor for cheer dance class for kids and a self-branding coach until very end of my pregnancy terms. However, instructors or entertainers face situations that they need to quite or take a leave to avoid any risks associated with pregnancy. I thought to myself, "how many women need to give up their careers against their wills?" I believe they are struggling to balance between changes during their life stage and careers. Sometimes, I am also worried about balancing my work and having children, but I would like to enjoy the rest of my maternity life.